Andrew Eadie

BBus DipFS(FP) CFP ®

Andrew's Mission

Andrew helps his clients navigate the ever-changing financial landscape through providing clear, quality advice that is easy to understand.

Andrew is passionate about working closely with clients to understand what’s truly important to their situation.  He delivers advice that is helpful, practical and makes a genuine difference to their lives.  His success is founded on his ability to interact easily with people and build long-term relationships.

Andrew has been advising since 2008. He has completed a Bachelor of Business degree at the University of Technology Sydney, a Diploma of Financial Services (Financial Planning) and is a Certified Financial Planner.  He is also a member of the Financial Planning Association.

Andrew has worked for various companies during his career, including tax accounting and consulting firms, small business, and large financial institutions – which has given him a broad range of experience.  He has also enjoyed mentoring and guiding the next generation of advisers over this period.

Outside of the workplace, Andrew is married and has two young sons.  He enjoys quality time with his family, watching his kids play sport and other activities. He is a keen distance runner and golfer.

Financial Adviser Sydney
Andrew Eadie, Senior Adviser at EFS Advice

Find Out More About Andrew

My Personal Story

From a young age, I have been interested in personal investing and finance.  This initially started by regularly viewing the “Money” segments on breakfast TV!

I also enjoyed studying economics and maths during high school, which eventually led to my selection for a cadetship with a large accounting firm, and a Business Degree from the University of Technology, Sydney. 

It was from this base that I then pursued a full-time career in Financial Planning.

I am now a Certified Financial Planner® and have been advising clients since 2008.

I am passionate about using my knowledge and experience to help people make wise financial decisions.

This involves partnering with them to bring order to their current financial situation, preparing a roadmap to achieve their goals, and making ongoing adjustments, to ensure they remain on track.

For many years, I have genuinely appreciated the opportunity to advise my clients through the key moments in their lives.  Such as changes in their family, employment, or location; or adjusting from a period of growing wealth to drawing upon it in retirement. There is also the need to guide people through the ‘left field’ events that can occur, such as an unexpected health event or redundancy.  Or major events in the global economy and markets, such as the Global Financial Crisis, or more recently the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Each of these times require a listening ear, a steady hand, and a sensible approach. 

I am delighted to be working as a Senior Financial Adviser with EFS Advice.  We work under a fully independent licence structure, and I hope to be able to assist you with your advice needs.

Get in touch with me today.

– Andrew Eadie

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